Moselle River 1944 to host festivities in November 2014

logo-moselle-riverMoselle River 1944 will host its final commemorations to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Moselle region. The festivities will occur from November 8 – 16, 2014 in Thionville, France.

The invited divisions include the following:
3rd Cavalry Group (mechanized):  “Brave Rifles”
5th Infantry:      “Red Diamond”
80th Infantry:    “Blue Ridge”
90th Infantry:    “Tough ‘Ombres”
95th Infantry:    “Iron Men of Metz”
7th Armored:     “Lucky Seventh”
10th Armored:   “Tigers”
8th Air Force
351st Bomb Group

Additional information can be found on the following web sites: